Mirror Boxes distributed by End the Pain Project


Folding Mirror Boxes were donated to the End the Pain Project  http://endthepainproject.org by mirrorboxtherpy.com sponsor , Reflex Pain Management ltd www.reflexpainmanagement.com . They have been shipped to the National School for Prosthetists in Hanoi; an NGO in central Vietnam; the Veteran’s Rehabilitation Center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and they are negotiating a hand loss/phantom pain pilot with a leprosy hospital in West Bengal connected to 16 other leprosy hospitals in Bangladesh.

We wish them all the success with there mirror boxes.

Mirror therapy was first described by V.S. Ramachandran, but has since been proven in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) / RSD, and stroke rehabilitation, as well as for hand and foot rehabilitation following an injury or surgery. www.mirrorboxtherapy.com is a good place to start; it has lots of information and a link to where you can purchase a mirror box.


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